Monday, June 23, 2008


Ahhh, at last a dated MetroSketch. This young woman was taking using her commute as an opportunity to catch a few more zzzzs before starting her workday, which makes my job easier.

09/??/2007 (2)

Here's another that is undated. My guess is that this was done the same day as the previous MetroSketch. I often do several sketches during my commute.


Unfortunately, I didn't date this MetroSketch. Based on it's location—and several others—in my sketchbook, I know it was done within the first two weeks of September 2007.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I ride the DC metro most days on my commute to and from work. For a long time I would read (the paper, books, magazines, whatever) but found myself bored and people watching to pass the time. Eventually I started to sketch my fellow riders... sometimes as quickly as three minutes or one stop. Over the months I've filled many sketchbooks and thought I'd put them out here for all to see.